Chris Flynn : Tuorla Observatory

  disk mass
  black holes
  white dwarfs
  K dwarfs
  local group

Research at Tuorla on Dark Matter is part  of the ANTARES program of space research of the Academy of Finland  
DARKSTAR Team members

Chris Flynn , Team Leader      
Burkhard Fuchs, Corresponding consultant 

Johan Holmberg, Researcher 
Laura Portinari, Researcher 
Rami Rekola, Ph.D. student 
Janne Holopainen, Ph.D. student     
Luca Casagrande, Ph.D. student  

Research Developments in 2003

Flynn has led the DARKSTAR project, ``Space Based Studies of Dark Matter'', which is funded under the ANTARES program of the Academy of Finland and TEKES. DARKSTAR acheived its first year of operation in 2002 and continues until early 2004. The Academy of Finland and Tekes' ANTARES program held the final seminar of the three year program at Finlandia Talo in Helsinki. DARKSTAR presented the results of the program highlighting baryonic dark matter searches; massive black holes in the Galactic halo and Helium production in the cosmos. We also showed our results at the Space 2003 exhibition at the old Cable Factory in Helsinki.

Older research report for 2002

Dark Matter as black holes

Jyrki Hänninen and Chris Flynn completed a numerical study of the orbits of stars in the disk of the Galaxy by masive black holes (dark matter) and giant molecular clouds. The work is a follow up of a study of the effect of such dark matter and clouds on stars in the Solar Neighbourhood. In the new work, the effect of these gravitational perturbers has been studied for disk stars from the inner to the outer disk, and the results compared to observations of the velocity dispersion of disk K giants over a wide range of Galactocentric radius. We conclude that black holes can be coaxed into reproducing the observed velocities of the disk giants from the inner to the outer disk; in other words they remain a possible but somewhat unlikely source of disk heating. The figure shows a patch of the Galactic disk, seen close to edge-on, and surrounded by massive balck holes.

MOVIE (in gif format). The simulation shows stars (shown in green) in the disk being heated by black holes (shown in red) as they orbit in a Galactic potential.

Dark Matter as white dwarfs in a Galactic "shroud"

Part of the solution to this so-called "dark matter problem" would be that there are a lot of very dim stars out there which we have yet to detect with our telescopes. A very thick disk of stars , "shrouding" the galaxy's disk, has been proposed as a solution to the problem.  The shroud is shown schematically below, in which the shroud appears in grey and the visible Milky Way in red.

Schematic representation of the Galactic shroud.
The visible galaxy is shown in red, and the shroud in grey.

If such a shroud of stars actually envelopes the Galaxy, then the stars must be very faint in order never to have been seen before; the best candidate for these stars are the so-called "white dwarfs", stars which have run out of fuel and are slowly cooling away to near invisibility. Whether the proposed shroud could be made of such stars has now been addressed by Janne Holopainen and Chris Flynn of Tuorla Observatory by creating a model of the distribution of the low-mass stars around the Sun, including the colours, luminosities and space motions of the stars. They compared their model to two very large surveys of the fastest moving and faintest detectible stars on the sky.

The team concluded that, although a few quite interesting stars have turned up in these two surveys, practically all the observations are well understood in terms of our present knowledge of the Milky Way. Furthermore, they were able to put strong constraints on how bright the putative white dwarfs could be before significant numbers of them would have been detected in the surveys; the results indicate that the white dwarfs must be very faint indeed to have avoided detection. But there is still hope for white dwarfs; they need only be a bit dimmer than the limits of the existing surveys to have been missed. New large surveys are being planned and may yet find them, if they are there.


Elemental abundances for K dwarf stars

  In 2002 Eira Kotoneva completed a study of the metal composition of a large uniform set of K dwarf stars in the European Space Agency's Hipparcos satellite in order to make a very precise measurement to be made of the distribution of ``heavy'' elements (i.e. elements heavier than Helium) in a representative sample of stars near the Sun. This is a major constraint on models of the evolution of galaxies, and can be used inderectly to constrain the density of matter (dark or otherwise) near the Sun. The work has been extended to spectral analysis of many of the stars in a collaboration with National Astronomical Observatories of China, part of the Chinese Academy of Sciences; high resolution spectra were obtained by Kotoneva; effective temperatures, surface gravities and abundances for a wide range of elements are currently being computed. These data will probe the nature of chemical enrichment in the Galaxy using K dwarfs for the first time; accurate abundances for K dwarfs will also be very useful for constraining the production of Helium over successive stellar generations (see "Helium" below).

Kotoneva has also been working in collaboration with the scientists at York University, Toronto. The main interest has concerned "Kapteyn's star". This star is one of our most interesting stellar neighbourhood, e.g. its proper motion is very large and it is one of the few stars with retrograde stellar orbit. We have observed the IR-spectrum of the star in order to compare it with the synthetic spectra (so called NextGen models). Also theoretical Galactic simulations have been run to explain reasons for its peculiar spectrum as well as its strange orbit.

Distances to galaxies in the extended local group

Rami Rekola has obtained observations of dwarf elliptical and irregular galaxies of the extended local group using the NOT . Distances to the galaxies are being determined via the surface brightness fluctuation method (with Helmut Jerjen, Mount Stromlo Observatory ). Cepheid based distances for IC 342, a large, starburst spiral galaxy, are being determined, using observations with the NOT over a long baseline (5 years). Planetary nebulae have been used to make a distance determination to NGC 253 (using imaging data from the ESO 3.6 meter).  This is part of a longer term program to assemble reliable masses and distances for the extended local group galaxies with a view to simulating their dynamics. Many of these galaxies are at distances where the effects of "dark energy" on the Hubble flow are first noticable; accurate distances to the galaxies are therefore of particular interest.

Disk surface mass density determination

The thickness of the Milky Way's disk is a balance between the total gravity of all the stars in it, and how fast they are individually moving. A given star, moving with a certain speed near the Sun, will rise upwards through the surrounding disk stars until the total gravity of all the stars below it pulls it back down again.

To measure the amount of matter above and below the Sun in the Galactic disk, Chris Flynn of Tuorla Observatory and Johan Holmberg of Lund Observatory have used data from the European Space Agency's Hipparcos satellite on so-called K giant stars. These stars are cooler but much brighter than the Sun; indeed, the Sun is expected to become a K giant itself some 5 billion years from now.

The Hipparcos satellite measures very accurately the distances and speeds of nearby K giant stars; the research team have applied these measurements to much more distant K giants directly 'above' the Sun (i.e. perpendicular to the Milky Way disk) in order to determine accurate distances to these stars too. The data they used was first collected in the mid-1980's using a 100 year old brass and clockwork 5" telescope on Mount Stromlo Observatory, the Oddie Telescope (sadly destroyed along with all the other telescopes in the bushfire which swept over Mount Stromlo in January 2003). It wasn't until now that the results of the Hipparcos satellite could be utilised to measure the distances to the stars with real precision.

Distribution of red giants perpendicular to the Milky Way disk. The plot shows the number of K giant stars above the Sun seen in a survey taken with telescopes at Mount Stromlo Observatory. The distance of the stars above the Sun is expressed in parsecs (a little over 3 light years); the survey reaches stars more than 3000 light years away. The curve shows the expected number of stars based on a theoretical computation using the gravitational attraction of all the known stars around the Sun; it is a very good match to the data.

Their new precise results confirmed their analysis from almost 20 years ago: the thickness of the disk is exactly what is expected if only the visible matter contributes to the Galactic potential. There is no need to invoke putative dark matter in the Galactic disk.

The production of cosmic Helium

Hydrogen and helium are the most abundant elements - together they account for about 98% of the mass of all the atoms in the Universe today. The remaining 2% consists of all the other elements put together - for example, all the iron, calcium, nitrogen and carbon present in our bodies, all the silicon in the rocks beneath our feet and the oxygen in the air we breath. However, in the oldest stars known, the amount of these heavier-than-helium elements is very small, much less than the 2% found in the youngest stars. In really old stars, hydrogen and helium together account for some 99.99% of their composition.

Most stars shine by fusing Hydrogen atoms into Helium atoms, as the Sun does; other stars, having used up their Hydrogen supply, convert helium into carbon, or carbon into heavier elements still, and release energy in that way. As stars are born, grow old and die, the amount of helium and the amount of the other heavier elements has been slowly increasing in the Universe. Measuring the amount of helium and heavier elements tells us much about the stars: the number which have been born and have died; the processes which cause them to shine; and how they enrich the Universe with the elements they have created.
Production of Helium. The plot shows how the luminosity of K dwarfs increases as the amount of Helium and heaver elements increases. The data points represent real K dwarf stars observed with the Hipparcos satellite. Three computer calculations are shown by the dark blue, light blue and green lines: they represent different amounts of Helium produced in stars relative to the amount of heavier metals. The data indicate that the amount of Helium produced has been twice the amount of all the heavier than Helium elements combined (purple line).

Chris Flynn of Tuorla Observatory; Raul Jimenez of the University of Pennsylvania; James MacDonald of the University of Delaware and Brad Gibson of Swinburne University of Technology have used data from the European Space Agency  Hipparcos satellite and so-called K dwarf stars. These stars are cooler and fainter than the Sun and are essentially stellar fossils. They have changed very little of their initial supply of hydrogen into helium during their long lives; in other words the hydrogen, helium and heavy elements we see in them today is they same as when they were born. We can follow the production of helium and heavy metals with a set of these stars. 

The Hipparcos satellite measures very accurately the real energy output of these stars. The research team have used computer calculations to predict how brightly such stars should shine depending on how much hydrogen, helium and heavier elements they contain. Measuring the amount of heavier elements using telescopes can be done very easily -- it is the amount of helium in stars which has been very difficult to measure. Now, the comparison of the model computations with the real stars reveals, indirectly, the amount of helium they contain.

The team have found that over the billions of years since the Universe was born, stars have produced just about exactly twice as much helium as everything else. Stars are primarily helium factories!   

The research appeared in the March 7th, 2003 issue of the journal Science .

We are now intensively following this work up at Tuorla Observatory. PhD student Luca Casagrande will obtain phtometry for a carefully selected set of K dwarfs with accurate metallicities; straightforward observations will triple the size of the basic sample and lead to an improved measure of the Helium production rate. Dr. Laura Portinari (arrived Feb 2004) has a post-doctoral position at Tuorla; she has worked extensively with galactic chemical evolution models; we are interested in constraining the production site of Helium --- what type of star is the main source of Helium as returned to the interstellar gas in the Galaxy.