Chris Flynn : Tuorla Observatory

 disk mass
 black holes
 white dwarfs
 K dwarfs
  local group

Research at Tuorla on Dark Matter is partly funded by the Academy of Finland  
DARKSTAR Team members

Chris Flynn , Team Leader      
Burkhard Fuchs, Corresponding member 

Johan Holmberg (Now at MPIA, Heidelberg) 
Laura Portinari, Researcher 
Pasi Nurmi, Researcher 
Erik Zackrisson, Researcher 
Laura Dunn, Researcher 
Rami Rekola, Ph.D. student 
Janne Holopainen, Ph.D. student     
Luca Casagrande, Ph.D. student  
Chris Thom, former Ph.D. student, now at the University of Chicago
Esko Gardner, Pd.D. student  

Research Developments in 2006

Older research reports for 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005

Galactic disk mass-to-light ratio

The amount of light emitted by groups of stars, relative to their total mass, is an important quantity in astronomy; it is called the stellar mass-to-light ratio, or (M/L)*. For many studies of galaxies, the amount of light emitted is the measurable quantity, and can only be converted into a stellar mass indirectly by assuming some value for (M/L)*.

Broadly speaking, stars fall into two categories from the point of view of lighting up the universe. Some stars are highly luminous -- they can be seen at great distances from the Earth -- and produce a lot of light. But such stars are rare. Most stars are actually very dim -- quite a lot dimmer than the Sun, and produce very little light in interstellar space.

Chris Flynn, Johan Holmberg and Laura Portinari of Tuorla Observatory and Burkhard Fuchs and Hartmut Jahreiss of the Astronomisches Rechen-Institut in Heidelberg have combined forces to work out how much light is produced by all the stars in space around the Sun, and which stellar types do most of the effort.

The team put together a 'luminosity budget' for nearby stellar space. They found that about half the light near the Sun is generated by giant stars, while the other half comes from so-called 'turnoff' stars, which are stars coming to the end of their supply of Hydrogen fuel, and will eventually become giant stars themselves.

The amount of light emitted can be compared to the amount of mass contained in the same stars. Armed with the ratio of the two, astronomers can look to distant galaxies, where the individual stars cannot be resolved, and make estimates of the amount of matter galaxies contain in stars from the amount of light they emit.

One of the big surprises of studies of this latter type, is that stars make up only a very small part of the mass of galaxies -- the so-called 'dark matter' problem, in which galaxies are dominated by a kind of matter which emits no (or very little) light, and quite unlike their stellar content.

The team was also able to estimate the total light emitted by the Milky Way as a galaxy -- about 40 billion times the light emitted by the Sun, give or take a few billion.

The study has been accepted for publication in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Preprint is available here

Solar colours

Astronomers at Tuorla Observatory have made a new, indirect measurement of the "colours" of the Sun.

Stars have been known to have come in various colours since antiquity, with stars such as Betelgeuse being termed reddish, while Rigel appears as a blueish, although stars are such pin-prick sources of light, that the colours are difficult to perceive in all but the brightest of them. It was the introduction of photography and spectroscopy into astronomy, over 100 years ago, which showed that star colour is closely related to its temperatures, in the same manner that a metal glows first red and finally blue-white as it is heated up. The surfaces of stars range in temperature from a few thousand degrees (red) to a few 100,000 degrees celsius (blue-white).

Nowadays, stellar colour is measured by comparing how bright a star appears when viewed through a red and a blue filter. The redder, or cooler, the star, the greater the amount of red light it will emit compared to blue. Conversely, hotter stars emit relatively more blue light than red.

Over many decades, astronomers have put together systems of light filters for measuring the properties of stars just from their colours; physical properties, such as temperature, surface gravity, chemical composition and intrinsic luminosity.

One major problem has been to measure the colours of the Sun in the same system. It's a nice quandary that the Sun is so bright and large on the sky, making the same measurements with telescopes designed to detect extremely faint, point-like stars, is next to impossible. One way around this is to find stars, which are as very similar in other properties to the Sun, and from their colours infer the colours of the Sun. This is the technique used by Johan Holmberg, Laura Portinari and Chris Flynn at Tuorla Observatory. The researchers use the surface temperature of the stars and the Sun to infer the colours.

An age-old problem with this technique has always been to make sure that the temperature of the stars and of the Sun are measured consistently in the same scale — as different approaches can be used to define and measure stellar temperatures. To do this, the researchers have used the tremendous advances being made in the last two years at the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope, which has been making direct measurements of the surface temperatures of stars using interferometry. The technique shows that surface temperature can be measured consistently for faint stars and the Sun. This breaks through the old impasse to using this technique for measuring the Sun's colours.

The colours of the Sun in the Johnson/Cousins, Tycho, Strömgren, 2MASS, and SDSS systems.

The study has been accepted for publication in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. Preprint here.

Measuring the colours, or distribution of energy in various wavelength passbands, is easy for stars, but next to impossible for the Sun. Too big and too bright, the Sun overwhelms the sensitive instruments installed around the globe on astronomical telescopes. One way around the impasse is to find stars as similar to the Sun as possible and use their properties to infer the Sun's colours. Image of the Sun from NASA.

Physical parameters for low mass stars

Stars are basic to astronomy, and determining their masses, temperatures and luminosities a key task for astronomers. Cool stars are surprisingly difficult to get right in this regard, as much of their luminosity is releases in the infrared, where data have been traditionally more difficult to obtain than in the optical. This situation has altered with the coming on-line of large area surveys of the sky in the IR, such as 2MASS, meaning that colours are available for large numbers of cool, low mass stars. In addition, a decade ago, accurate parallaxes are available for the stars from the European Space Agency's Hipparcos mission, so that distances are now measureed with very high precision. This turns out to be the two things one really needs to put together an accurate temperature and luminosity calibration for stars cooler than the Sun.

Luca Casagrande, Laura Portinari and Chris Flynn of the University of Turku's Tuorla Observatory have obtained a sample of about 100 bright G and K dwarfs with accurate parallax and photometric data in BVRIJH and K. New data for the stars have been obtained using the remotely controled 30 cm KVA telescope at La Palma.

We have derived an empirical effective temperature and bolometric luminosity calibration for G and K dwarfs, by applying our own implementation of the Infrared Flux Method to multiband photometry.

The colours computed from the most recent synthetic libraries (ATLAS9 and MARCS) for such stars are found to be in good agreement with the data in the optical, but discrepancies remain in the infrared.

Despite very careful work, our study shows that one cannot yet get temperatures and luminosities for such stars to much better than a few percent accuracy. Our temperature scale is 100 Kelvin hotter than recent analogous determinations in the literature, but is in agreement with spectroscopically calibrated temperature scales and fits well the colours of the Sun. Our angular diameters are typically 3 per cent smaller when compared to other (indirect) determinations of angular diameter for such stars, but are consistent with the limb-darkening corrected predictions of the latest 3D model atmospheres and also with the results of asteroseismology. Clearly there are some wrinkles still to be ironed out!

On the other hand, we find very tight empirical relations for bolometric luminosity, effective temperature and angular diameters from photometric indices.

The research has been published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, and a preprint is available here

Personnel Movements in 2006

Esko Gardner has joined the team in 2006 and is working toward a PhD -- he is studying the orbit of the Sun. Masters thesis. Chris Flynn spent most of 2006 on sabbatical leave in Australia at Mount Stromlo Observatory. He was visited at Stromlo by DARKSTARians Burkhard Fuchs, Luca Casagrande and Johan Holmberg. Erik Zackrisson joined the DARKSTAR team as a postdoc in late 2006 -- Erik is funded for three years by the Academy of Finland. Johan Holmberg left us and has taken up a position at the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in Heidelberg, working on the European Space Agnecy's GAIA mission, among other things. Chris Thom completed his PhD studies (jointly at Tuorla Observatory and Swinburne University in Melbourne Australia) and has moved on to a postdoc position at the University of Chicago.