This is a temporary page for construction period only.

Photo Galleries of Rami T. F. Rekola

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It makes viewing photo galleries (mine or others') more pleasing if you switch to full screen mode for the duration of your visit on them. Just click F11 in Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Opera. I have not tested this in any other browsers or operating systems than Linux and Windows.

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All sensible web pages have been made using images of intended size. Therefore it usually reduces the pleasure of web browsing experience if you have "Automatic image resize" option on in your browser. I strongly suggest you turn it off (permanently). If you want to see an example of what the option does (or want to check whether yours is on) visit the following page. It contains just one image, which is more than 30 thousand pixels high. The image lists all Roman emperors as a timeline. If the image is resized, it will be only a few pixels wide and naturally you will be unable to see anything.

Roman kings and emperors

To turn off the automatic image resize:

In Internet Explorer:

1) Open "Tools" menu
2) Launch "Internet options..."
3) Select tab "Advanced" (in the top)
4) Scroll down to the middle of the list
5) Under title "Multimedia" clear the check mark on "Enable Automatic Image Resizing"
6) Click on "Apply"
7) Click on "OK"
8) Go back to the image of Roman emperors and click "Refresh"

In Firefox:

1) Open "Tools" menu
2) Launch "Options..."
3) Select tab "Advanced" (on the left)
4) Under title "Browsing" clear the check mark on "Resize large images to fit in the browser window"
5) Click on "OK"
6) Go back to the image of Roman emperors and click "Reload current page"

In Opera there is no automatic image resize option (as far as I am aware of)

Please, return to the photos using the BACK button of your web browser.

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