Domicilium Deorum
Corinthean Column

Welcome mortals!
I am Rami T. F. Rekola. I am trying to maintain this web site for everybody interested in astronomy, languages, neat photos, ancient times, fantasy, and much more...
If I fail in making it work (technically or conceptually), you can blame me (and perhaps send me suggestions on how to improve the site). If I fail in including the very information you may be interested in, I don't promise any change (but you are still welcome to suggest improvements and additions to the site).

Currently this site is dedicated to these topics:

Scientific / Informative / Fun

Hobbies / Games / Fun

Ordered links

Miscellaneous links

N.B. Some of the pages under the abovementioned links are permanently under construction. Sorry for the imminent delays and possible confusion.

This site is continuously monitored for obsolete links (some vanished ones remain to remind me to find their new locations). All links last checked: 11 October 2005.

Site map (not fully up to date)

Home Page of the Creator

P.S. Due to Turku University firewall arrangements this site may eventually cease to be visible outside the '' domain. Therefore, if you can not connect to this site any more, be prepared to check the new location from my home page.