IYA 2009

International Year of Astronomy 2009

Tähtiä kirjastossa (Stars in the Library) event

Tuorla Observatory organises a series of presentations, given in Finnish, in the Turku City Library in April 2009. Presentations cover a range of interesting and actual astronomical topics. A special presentation for children, likewise in Finnish, about telescopes is given twice. Additionally there is an exhibition of images distributed for the International Year of Astronomy and old equipment from Tuorla Observatory. The exhibition is on for April and May 2009.

Presentations are held in the Turku City Library in April 2009 on Mondays and Wednesdays at 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm. Presentations for children are held on Tuesday 28th April at 10:00-10:30 am and 11:15-11:45 am.

8th April: Kvasaarihavainnot haastavat Einsteinin
Professor Mauri Valtonen

15th April: Näin räjähtää tähti
Academy fellow Seppo Mattila

20th April: Tutut ja vieraat planeetat elämän tyyssijoina
Adjunct professor Harry Lehto

22nd April: Kaukoputki lentää avaruuteen
Adjunct professor Hannu Karttunen

27th April: Aurinko täynnä yllätyksiä
Adjunct professor Silja Pohjolainen

28th April: Esitelmät lapsille
Tähtitieteilijä katsoo kaukoputkeen — mitä hän näkee?
Academy fellow Elina Lindfors

29th April: Maailman suurin avaruuspeili tehtiin täällä
Adjunct professor Aimo Sillanpää

This page was last modified by  Rami Rekola  on  21/04/2009 10:13  astroweb@utu.fi