Chris Flynn : Tuorla Observatory

 disk mass
 black holes
 white dwarfs
 K dwarfs
 local group

Research at Tuorla on Dark Matter is partly funded by the Academy of Finland  
DARKSTAR Team members

Chris Flynn , Team Leader      
Burkhard Fuchs, Corresponding member 
Laura Portinari, Researcher 
Rami Rekola, Researcher 
Esko Gardner, Ph.D. student  
Sarah Bird, Ph.D. student  
Juliet Datson, Ph.D. student  

Johan Holmberg (Now at Lund Observatory) 
Erik Zackrisson, (now at the University of Stockholm)
Luca Casagrande (Now at MPIA Garching)
Chris Thom (now at the University of Chicago)

Research Developments in 2008

Older research reports for 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2006 - 2007

Schmidt-Kennicutt star formation law seen in Milky Way

Measurents of mow many stars have formed in galaxies as a function of time is an important factor in understanding how galaxies form and evolve.

Determining the star formation history of our own galaxy, the Milky Way, has turned out to be surprisingly difficult, and although many attempts have been made to do so over the years using a variety of techniques, the studies do not agree with each other very satisfactorily. Deciding whether stars have formed in major bursts has been difficult to tease out of the data, although the general trend is that of a slowly declining star formation rate over the last few Gyr.

Burkhard Fuchs, Hartmut Jahreiss (Astronomisches-Rechen Institute, Heidelberg) and Chris Flynn (Tuorla Observatory) have used a new method to trace backward the star formation history of the Milky Way disk, using a sample of M dwarfs. Such stars are used because they show Hydrogen emission until a particular age, which is a function of their absolute magnitudes, permiting us to reconstruct the rate at which disk stars have been born over about half the disk's lifetime, or about 5 Gyr. Our star formation rate (SFR) agrees well with those obtained using other methods and seems to rule out a constant SFR.

The principal result of this study is to show that a relation of the Schmidt-Kennicut type (which relates the SFR to the gas content of galaxies) has been found in the Milky Way disk during the last 5 Gyr, and of the same type as is seen in other galaxies. This result adds considerable value to the standard assumption used in galaxy evolution studies that the Schmidt-Kennicut applies not just in present day galaxies, but also stretching back over the last 5 Gyr -- at least in the Milky Way!

Preprint is available here

No "red halo" around the Milky Way galaxy

Galaxies are typically composed of stars, gas and dust arranged either into a flattened system (disk galaxies) or something which is roughly spherical (elliptical galaxies). Most of the light is to be found in the prominant, central regions of galaxies, but they can also be surrounded by a "halo" of dim, red light which can extend to very large distances from the center. What causes this "red halo" is at present something of a mystery.

What the halo is caused by, and why it should be so red, is the question. It might be made up of very large numbers of low mass stars, which are known to be both very dim and very red from studies of such stars near the Sun. If the red halos are caused by dim stars, then there must be very many of them indeed to explain the feeble light they contribute to the red halos. Such stars would be almost as plentiful as stars of all other types, perhaps making them a significant contributor to the total mass of galaxies. The complication here is that the total mass of galaxies is quite a mystery anyway, due to the apparent presence of large amounts of dark matter, and perhaps red halos are providing us with an important clue (rather than a red herring!) on this aspect of galaxies as well.

Erik Zackrisson and Chris Flynn, of Tuorla Observatory, have examined whether our own Milky Way might have such a red halo. Presently available observations of faint stars seen with the Hubble Space Telescope appear to strongly constrain this possibility rather tightly, so that if the Milky Way is embedded in such a structure, it is very dim indeed.

Optical image of the blue compact galaxy He 2-10, taken with the ESO New Technology Telescope. To demonstrate the size and projected shape of its red halo, the latter has been subtracted away, leaving the dark "shadow" surrounding the central galaxy. Image copyright N. Bergvall (Uppsala Observatory).


Preprint is available here

Twinkle, twinkle any star -- The Sun is not so special

Astronomers working in Australia and Finland have found there is nothing special about the Sun after conducting the most comprehensive comparison of it with other stars - adding weight to the idea that life could be common in the universe.

Scientists have long argued about whether or not the Earth has some special characteristics that led to the evolution of life. Jose Robles, Charley Lineweaver, Chas Egan and Michael Pracey (Australian National University), along with Chris Flynn, Esko Gardner and Johan Holmberg (Tuorla Observatory), and Daniel Grether (University of New South Wales), contend that this is a difficult question to answer because we don't have information about other Earth-like planets.

"Yet the question 'How special is the Sun?' is easier to address because we do have observations of thousands of other Sun-like stars," explains Dr Lineweaver.

Rather than guess what properties a star should have to enable life, the researchers decided to compare the Sun - which already hosts a life bearing planet - to other stars.

"Our research goes further than previous work which only looked at single properties such as mass or iron content," says Robles, who is the lead author on the research paper. "We looked at 11 properties that could plausibly be connected with life and did an analysis of these properties: The upshot is that there doesn't seem to be anything special about the Sun. It seems to be a random star that was blindly pulled out of the bag of all stars."

The researchers found that the Sun's mass is the most anomalous of its properties; the Sun is more massive than 95 per cent of stars. The Sun's orbit around the centre of the galaxy is also more circular than the orbits of 93 per cent of its peers. "But when analysing the 11 properties together, the Sun shows up as a star selected at random, rather than one selected for some life-enhancing property," Robles says.

The research is part of the ongoing scientific understanding of our place in the universe. "Those who are searching for justification for their beliefs that terrestrial life and humanity in particular are special, will probably interpret this result as a humiliating dethronement," says Dr Lineweaver. "Those who believe we are the scum of the universe, may find our non-special status uplifting."

The research paper, A comprehensive comparison of the Sun to other stars: searching for self-selection effects has been accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal and is available online at

Personnel Movements in 2008

Sarah Bird joined us to commence her PhD in mid-2008. Luca Casagrande finished his PhD in mid-2008 and has left us to his first postdoc position at the MPIA in Garching. Erik Zackrisson finished his postdoctoral position and has taken up a position at Stockholm Observatory. Two longer term visitors to DARKSTAR in 2008 were Rainer Klement (Max-Planck Institute, Heidelberg) who is working on disc galaxy dynamics, Professor Burkhard Fuchs (Astronomisches Rechen-Institut, Heidelberg ) was again a very welcome visitor in 2008.