Chris Flynn : Tuorla Observatory

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 black holes
 white dwarfs
 K dwarfs
 local group

Research at Tuorla on Dark Matter is partly funded by the Academy of Finland  
DARKSTAR Team members

Chris Flynn , Team Leader      
Laura Portinari, Researcher 
Sarah Bird, Ph.D. student  
Juliet Datson, Ph.D. student  

Research Developments in 2010

Older research reports for 2002 - 2003 - 2004 - 2005 - 2006 - 2007 - 2008 - 2009

Red giants seen in M87

M87 is a giant elliptical galaxy in the Virgo cluster, and is well known to amateur and professional astronomers alike. Giant ellipticals are typically very old galaxies, and their light is dominated by large numbers of so-called "red giant" stars, those that have exhausted their supply of Hydrogen and moved off the "main sequence" where most stars, like the Sun, lie.

PhD student Sarah Bird, with Chris Flynn at Tuorla Observatory and Bill Harris (McMaster University) and John Blakeslee (Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics) have just used archive data at the Hubble Space Telescope to find red giant stars in this galaxy for the first time. The galaxy is so distant from us that detecting such stars, which are about a billion times fainter than the human eye can see, can only be done with very long exposures taken in space.

The image that the researchers used was available in the Hubble Space Telescope archive and represented almost 100,000 seconds of exposure time, more than a day, on this galaxy. On most of the image, the stars are so close together that they cannot be separated from each other and analysed individually, even with the exquisite resolution of the HST. The stars are simply too tightly packed in this massive galaxy. However, in the far corners of the image, they found that the stars were just sufficiently resolved that they could be individually imaged. The stars, once their brightnesses and colours had been determined, were shown to be red giants.

The properties of such stars are quite well understood, because there are copious quantities of them near the Sun. Knowing how bright they are near us enabled the researchers to measure the distance to M87, using a technique called the "tip of the red giant branch" or TRGB method -- it turns out to be 55 million light years from us (give or take about 3 million light years). This method is in good accord with other ways of measuring the distance to this well known galaxy, and shows that the TRGB method is robust and reliable. As far as we are aware this is a new distance record for seeing such stars!

Preprint is available here

Comets and the Galactic Tide

Comets are thought to lie at large distances from the Sun, in a great reservoir called the "Oort Cloud". The directions and orbits from which new comets come into the Solar System indicates that the Oort cloud lies between about 10 thousand and 40 thousand Astronomical Units from the Sun.

Comets this far out are affected by the tidal forces from the rest of the Galaxy, in particular as the Sun orbits the Galactic center, and goes up and down in the Galactic disk.

The long-term dynamics of Oort cloud comets have been studied by PhD student Esko Gardner and Chris Flynn at Tuorla Observatory. The influence of both the radial and the vertical components of the Galactic tidal field. They have developed an updated model of the Galaxy with a disc, bulge and dark halo. By computing millions of cometary orbits over a period of a billion years, they can figure out how many comets, initially set up in the Oort cloud and at great distance from the Sun, have their orbits perturbed so that they come into the Solar system.

The researchers find that the number of comets entering the Solar system can vary substantially as the Sun goes along its orbit around the Galaxy. Amplitude of the variations in the comet flux is of the order of 30 per cent. This sort of variation in the comet flux is usually ascribed to the vertical motion of the Sun as it oscillates (up and down) in the disk, but we find that the radial motion of the Sun (in and out) is the chief cause of this behaviour.

Preprint is available here

Personnel Movements in 2010

Chris Flynn will spend August 2010 to May 2011 at the Univerisy of Sydney on sabbatical leave.