Encyclopædia Galactica Rami T. F. Rekola Tuorlan Astronomical Society Tuorla Observatory University of Turku

CooC - Coordinate Conversions (version 3.0)

There are five different coordinate systems in astronomy. Some of them have variants, which are all included in this conversion programme. If you are doing this for the first time, please read instructions (via links in the form) before you begin.

To make your conversion, please fill in appropriate information below - both INPUT and OUTPUT parameters of coordinate systems you are interested in. If you need output coordinates in several systems, make sure to fill in all required values. Naturally you can only select one INPUT coordinate system.

In order to serve astronomical community and general public the best I wish everybody informs me of all malfunctions of this conversion system, erroneous results, inaccuracies, and other oddities encountered while making or trying to make a coordinate conversion. Thank you!


Select the coordinate system you want to convert from:

If your input is in horizontal coordinates, fill in this box.

longitude (deg min sec):
latitude (deg min sec):

UT time of input coordinates:
date (day month year):
time (h min sec):

Horizontal coordinates
azimuth (deg min sec):
altitude (deg min sec):

If your input is in equatorial coordinates, fill in this box.

Epoch of input coordinates:
date (day month year):
time (h min sec):

Equatorial coordinates
Right Ascension (h min sec):
declination (deg min sec):

If your input is in geocentric ecliptic coordinates, fill in this box.

UT time of input coordinates:
date (day month year):
time (h min sec):

Geocentric ecliptic coordinates
longitude (deg min sec):
latitude (deg min sec):

If your input is in topocentric ecliptic coordinates, fill in this box.

longitude (deg min sec):
latitude (deg min sec):

UT time of input coordinates:
date (day month year):
time (h min sec):

Topocentric ecliptic coordinates
longitude (deg min sec):
latitude (deg min sec):

If your input is in heliocentric ecliptic coordinates, fill in this box.

Heliocentric ecliptic coordinates
longitude (deg min sec):
latitude (deg min sec):

If your input is in galactic coordinates, fill in this box.

Galactic coordinates:
longitude (deg):
latitude (deg):

If your input is in old galactic coordinates, fill in this box.

Old galactic coordinates:
longitude (deg):
latitude (deg):

If your input is in supergalactic coordinates, fill in this box.

Supergalactic coordinates:
longitude (deg):
latitude (deg):

If your input is in supergalactic cartesian coordinates, fill in this box.

Supergalactic Cartesian coordinates (in any units):


If you want output in horizontal coordinates, fill in this box.

longitude (deg min sec):
latitude (deg min sec):

UT time of output coordinates:
Date (day month year):
Time (h min sec):

If you want output in equatorial coordinates, fill in this box.

Output epoch:
date (day month year):
time (h min sec):

If you want output in geocentric ecliptic coordinates, fill in this box.

UT time of output coordinates:
Date (day month year):
Time (h min sec):

Distance: km

If you want output in topocentric ecliptic coordinates, fill in this box.

longitude (deg min sec):
latitude (deg min sec):

UT time of output coordinates:
Date (day month year):
Time (h min sec):

Distance: km

If you want output in heliocentric ecliptic coordinates, fill in this box.

Distance: km

If you want output in galactic coordinates, you do not need to provide further information.

If you want output in old galactic coordinates, you do not need to provide further information.

If you want output in supergalactic coordinates, you do not need to provide further information.

If you want output in supergalactic cartesian coordinates, fill in this box.
